Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Sadly Disappointed

Forgive my rant, but I'm severely disappointed.

I was supposed to ride point on Sunday's "Christmas in July" toy run, sponsored by the Centurions MC. I've done the run every year since I joined the bike club.

This year, circumstances took me out of the game...I hurt my back the night before the run, and could not ride (note, I did not say "would not"). It sucks bad, because last year, I dropped my bike the night before the event, and was still able to make the ride.

What disappoints me is this: I had at least 2 of my brothers from the club going as well, as of Saturday. I found out on Sunday night that NOBODY went on the ride. No-Body. Our club was not represented at all.

We bitch and complain that nobody from any of the other clubs come to our annual ride, yet we fail to support the very clubs who don't support us. As a fledgling club, we should be riding in every other club's events, at the very least, we should at least represent.

I almost feel, if I had bitten the bullet, endured the pain and showed up for the ride, I would have been riding alone.

Bike clubs are about brotherhood, and being something bigger than just ourselves. This bike run is extremely humbling every time I do it. It's all about the children. I feel strongly that this year, my club let the kids down. I'm almost ashamed to wear my colors.

Once I get my knees back in the breeze, I gotta find a way to make this right.


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