Friday, August 2, 2013

Happy Birthday To My Dad

I say this every year, but I mean it more and more, the more I learn about myself:

About 25 years ago, I was feeling pretty low. I was going through a nasty divorce/separation, was not able to see my kid because I hadn't had a court date yet, and was barely making enough to get by, let alone support a child.

I happened to be heading to my parent's house to do my laundry, when I saw one of my dad's best friends, Mike Taylor (R.I.P., Mike) coming out the back door of his mother's house, getting ready to leave to head home.

I stopped to chat for a bit, and he noticed I was a bit "down" and agitated. He asked me what was wrong, and I spilled, told him everything that was going on and how I felt about it all.

He said one thing that will stay with me until the day that I die. He said, "Billy, if you turn out to be only half the man your father is, you'll be just fine."

I was probably 24 years old at the time. I'm 49 now, and I still have a long way to go to be "half the man" my dad is. I may not always agree with him (or Mom, for that matter) but 9 times out of 10, he's spot on with his advice.

Let me say here, he's the only person, other than myself, who I would trust with my bike (He used to take my old 350 Honda to work on occasion, back in the day). I've offered him a set of keys to my V-Star, but he declined.

Anyway, today is my Dad's 74th birthday...Happy Birthday, Dad, I love you and hope that someday I can be (at least) half the man you are.



Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Sadly Disappointed

Forgive my rant, but I'm severely disappointed.

I was supposed to ride point on Sunday's "Christmas in July" toy run, sponsored by the Centurions MC. I've done the run every year since I joined the bike club.

This year, circumstances took me out of the game...I hurt my back the night before the run, and could not ride (note, I did not say "would not"). It sucks bad, because last year, I dropped my bike the night before the event, and was still able to make the ride.

What disappoints me is this: I had at least 2 of my brothers from the club going as well, as of Saturday. I found out on Sunday night that NOBODY went on the ride. No-Body. Our club was not represented at all.

We bitch and complain that nobody from any of the other clubs come to our annual ride, yet we fail to support the very clubs who don't support us. As a fledgling club, we should be riding in every other club's events, at the very least, we should at least represent.

I almost feel, if I had bitten the bullet, endured the pain and showed up for the ride, I would have been riding alone.

Bike clubs are about brotherhood, and being something bigger than just ourselves. This bike run is extremely humbling every time I do it. It's all about the children. I feel strongly that this year, my club let the kids down. I'm almost ashamed to wear my colors.

Once I get my knees back in the breeze, I gotta find a way to make this right.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot? Photo 2

I snapped this pic at 22nd and Lehigh, at the site where Shibe Park (Connie Mack Stadium) once stood. Part of it is now a shopping center (hooray for progress!)

I took this picture, because, well, WTF? "Human Hair & Super City" is the name of the store.

I want to say something witty or cliche about this, but I got's nothin'...Feel free to caption!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Christmas in July...It's All About the Kiddies!

This Sunday, I'll be riding in the Centurions Christmas in July toy run for the Shriner's Hospital, in Philadelphia. I've done this every year for the past 4-5 years, and even rode last year injured...I had "gone down" on my bike the night before, and the bike's shifter was held together with a leather thong. I had a patch of road rash that I kept putting neosporin onto to keep from getting infected.

It's all about the kids.

Anyway, going again on Sunday. Anybody wanting to donate a new, unwrapped toy for the event, I'll take whatever I can carry on the bike, and get the rest to the hospital some how.

Let me know.

Anyway, after the event, I'll be posting a photo array of the day's events...I may even screw up the nerve to try the "slow race" this year...That's when you have the be the last across the finish line without putting your feet down. Not as easy as it seems:



Sunday, July 21, 2013

Buzz Aldrin Punch

I've always been a big fan of the original "moon walkers" (no slight to MJ)... I am going to insist that one of my grandchildren be nicknamed "Buzz" after this. Old guys rule! (H/T to Alex Charyna)

Life in the Neighborhoods: Poultry, My Ass! (WTF Photo 1)

I see a rabbit (venison), I see a lamb, I see a goat (mutton) and I see baby beef (veal). I do see poultry, but somehow, things got lost in the translation (taken in West Kensington, on Lehigh Avenue)

Feeling Alive

There's something about a 20+ mile ride, at 4:30 a.m., along an unlit road, that makes you feel alive...especially at 70 mph.

Perfect way to end a 12 hour shift on my first day back to work after an extended vacation. Got home, mixed a Jack & Iced Tea, and picked the bugs outta my beard, then fell asleep watching the sun come up through the narrow slits that were my eyelids.

Glad to be writing again...also glad to have something I'm passionate about to fuel my muse. Until today, this has been a private journal, today, I've decided to "go live" and share my thoughts with the masses.

I'll be smattering the page with non-bike related subjects that rile me up, make me feel good, or just catch my "fancy". Enjoy...and if you don't, no worries. This is more for me, anyway. I've missed writing.

Just an aside...I was looking for a current pic to post of me on or with the bike. I just realized that the last pics taken were 75 lbs ago! I gotta update my bike portfolio!!!

Until then, here's a before and after pic, in the same 3x shirt: