Friday, August 2, 2013

Happy Birthday To My Dad

I say this every year, but I mean it more and more, the more I learn about myself:

About 25 years ago, I was feeling pretty low. I was going through a nasty divorce/separation, was not able to see my kid because I hadn't had a court date yet, and was barely making enough to get by, let alone support a child.

I happened to be heading to my parent's house to do my laundry, when I saw one of my dad's best friends, Mike Taylor (R.I.P., Mike) coming out the back door of his mother's house, getting ready to leave to head home.

I stopped to chat for a bit, and he noticed I was a bit "down" and agitated. He asked me what was wrong, and I spilled, told him everything that was going on and how I felt about it all.

He said one thing that will stay with me until the day that I die. He said, "Billy, if you turn out to be only half the man your father is, you'll be just fine."

I was probably 24 years old at the time. I'm 49 now, and I still have a long way to go to be "half the man" my dad is. I may not always agree with him (or Mom, for that matter) but 9 times out of 10, he's spot on with his advice.

Let me say here, he's the only person, other than myself, who I would trust with my bike (He used to take my old 350 Honda to work on occasion, back in the day). I've offered him a set of keys to my V-Star, but he declined.

Anyway, today is my Dad's 74th birthday...Happy Birthday, Dad, I love you and hope that someday I can be (at least) half the man you are.

